US WOWGold$ 23.7
UK WOWGold$ 22.4
FR WOWGold$ 22.4
DE WOWGold$ 22.4
ES WOWGold$ 22.4
IT WOWGold$ 22.4
What’s WOW Gold?
WOW Gold is a common currency in WoW. Gamers can use Gold to buy weapons, gear, treasures, pets, skills and more in the game. Players get WOW Gold by killing boss, performing tasks, trading, fighting, PK and other activities in the game. Directly buying is also the main method of obtaining gold.
Why choose iGameGold to buy WOW gold?
iGameGold provides the lowest price of WOW EU Gold and WOW US Gold on the market.
Our order flow is simple, easy and safe, in just two steps.
Our team has more than 14 years of WOW Gold service experience, providing secure service to millions of players in North American and European countries.
We offer 100% secure multiple payment options for our clients to choose from, and use Mcafee and SSL encryption to keep customers secure.
How do I get the WOW Gold from iGameGold?
Auction House is our recommended delivery method, which is fast, easy and safe. You only need to sell any item with the same order amount at the auction house and tell us this item information. We will buy the item you sell so that you can get the gold. You do not need to keep online to get your Gold in time. And iGameGold will undertakes all the transaction fees.
Face to Face is another recommended delivery method. When paid successfully, please contact our live support for the trading position in game. Our team will wait in the game position and deliver gold face to face. The delivery time may need at most 24 hours.
For security reasons, we don’t recommend “In Game Mail’ to deliver your gold unless you strongly ask for it.
Alert: iGameGold will never ask you to return your gold in game for any excuses.